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Posts posted by nekrad

  1. I agree with everybody that has replied before me, but I'll go one step further and say that you should not buy the Passarelli book, as in my dealings with Dan I've felt he was more of a salesman than a mentor.

  2. I'm sorry; I probably didn't just answer the question you asked. If you want to plot TOTAL option volume, for that underlying, or for all in some index perhaps, there's no TOS indicator/study to do that.


    If there is some sort of symbol for what you want, then it can be plotted, such as vix, $uvol-$dvol, $tick, $trin, etc.

  3. When you're on the trade page of TOS, right-click on the option you're interested in buying or selling, move your mouse cursor down to TOS Charts, then out to the right to the graphic of just the top-left chart in the grid, and release your mouse-the chart of that option symbol, with its OPRA code, will open in the Chart tab/window.


    If you don't want to change what you're looking at in the chart window, when you right-click on the option, move down and choose Quick Chart. That will open a chart of the option symbol in the gadget area; you can then detach it and make it as big as you want in a "new chart window."

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