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Posts posted by vipink

  1. Hi All,


    I am looking for historical fundamental data of Indian Equities market given by IBES, a service provided by Reuters.


    For the uninitiated, IBES stands for Institutional Brokers Estimation System. Its a database where in the brokers estimates for the fundamental data such as EPS, ROE etc are stored. The Reuters updates this on daily basis.


    I am looking for historical IBES data for indian equities market, for the year 2009 to 2010.


    I tried contacting Reuters about it. There were two issues, first its damn expensive (1400 USD per month ! - for a self employed trader such as myself its too much ! ), secondly they don't usually give data subscription for an independent trader such as myself.


    So, i am stuck. If anyone can provide me *ANY* help regarding the same, i would be greatly obliged. I am ready to buy the historical database also.


    Thanks in advance,


    Vipin Kumar.


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