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Posts posted by chuckaltair

  1. I read it differently. There was a bit of emphasis on not beating yourself up. In other words, love yourself enough not to do it. Instead use the power of compassion toward yourself such that your focus remains intact, and you don't go off the deep end and compound the errors you have already made by being in a bad trade. Let those feelings go, stay in the moment and make the wisest decision you can with an unclouded mind.


    I hope what I am saying helps,



  2. I think many are missing an important aspect of stress; particularly if one is under capitalized and trading. It is almost a self fullfilling prophecy that such a one is going to fail. Why? Because of increased stress, which makes one do stupid things while trading, and those stupid things one does while being stressed quickly deplete your trading account. How many accounts have you blown by being stupid because you were trading with too little capital? Obviously, I am not saying you are stupid; only that you or I do stupid things while being stressed. It is extemely difficult to not be stressed while in a trade if you have little money to trade with, and if stressed your chances of success fall exponentially. Sure it is easy to suggest, "Well, you shouldn't be trading in the first place." But, some are not as fortunate as others. I am sure there are many out there struggling to make it with too little going for them. To those I would suggest making sure you achieve discipline and patience and taking the time to work on those two aspects before trading with real money. Stress can kill you in more ways than I can count.:)

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