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Posts posted by ProfitPilgrim

  1. Having spent 2.5 years as a full time trading system developer in NeoTicker, now commercially writing Object Oriented IDL indicators in Delphi to create dll's that drive Neoticker indicator/systems, I would say to the serious developer/trader who knows the challenge of competing successfully in markets like the financial derivatives (es, russell, Nasdaq, dow) where algorithmic autotrading systems now constitute 50% of all trades, yes the NeoTicker learning curve is steep but it is climbed by private system designers and institutional traders who see the extraordinary capabilities of NeoTicker (like combining tick-driven symbols using multiple timeframe momentum bars on the same chart).


    Precisely because it is not highly populated by novice traders doing simplistic development and requiring repetitive support, the Tickquest system engineers have time to respond to feature requests by sophisticated developers who are willing to climb steep learning curves to use tools that give traders the edge they need to profit long term in a trading world where 95%+ of all private trader's lose money. I reached impassable limitations in TradeStation and was kindly invited to explore NeoTicker by another TS developer who made the switch, and I've never regretted it. I just finished a 4000 line system that backtests with realistic 1 point slippage and an assumed steep $15 commissions in the S&P, showing a Sharpe ratio of 6.8, showing a max draw of $1500 in a 100 day backtest profiting $19787, or an annualized return of 88%. If you wish to further explore NeoTicker or secure custom development I am willing to help you break through. I can be reached at inquire at wildblue dot net. All the best success to you!

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